Address: Milwaukee, WI

Call Us Today (262) 617-4075

About Paintings for Pediatrics

Every 3 minutes, a family finds out their child has cancer. Paintings for Pediatrics is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to raising money to fight back against childhood cancer. We provide art supplies for pediatric patients to express themselves through art on canvas. At our Annual Gala event, we auction these paintings to raise funding to support our mission.

Meet Our Team

Craig Sorbo 

President & Founder 

Brittany Fix 

Vice President/Secretary

Brad Herda 


Deb Knee

Operations Director

Scott Mila

Partnership Director

Lisa Fix

Events Director

Jake Krajenka

At Large

At Paintings for Pediatrics, we aim to make a difference.


Child & Family Registration 

Register your child/ren for a chance to create a painting.

Child & Family Registration
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